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Romani settlement “Mihatovici” is located in the southern part of the local community Sicki Brod, some 10 km from Tuzla to the north-west.

According to the available data, the Romani community here is made up of some 110 residents. 

Surveying was carried out with 70 inhabitants who make 17 households and who are currently present in the settlement, are not outside of the country and do not refuse declaring as Romani.

None of the working-age residents is employed on full time basis. Two persons are retired, six families live of collecting secondary raw materials, one family lives of social welfare and one of selling second hand goods.

Out of the total number of respondents, 39 were children, of which 21 go to school.

All the Romani residents in the Mihatovici settlement are accommodated in temporary housing units.

According to our contact person, Borka Bobaric, in addition to the problems faced by all Romani people, like unemployment and health protection, the largest problem of this community is accommodation. 

The residents of this Romani settlement are accommodated in collective accommodation, which was supposed to be of temporary character. 

Unfortunately, the temporary became permanent and the problem is unsolvable, because it is outside the focus of the interest of the local community. 

Rather poor living conditions, in addition to use of joint premises by a number of users, has been worsening over the years and is growing more difficult. 

Irregular maintenance of poor quality contributes to dilapidation of these structures.


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Romani Communities