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Romani settlement “Jezero” is located in the southern part of the local community Kiseljak, some 10 km from Tuzla to the west. There are four Romani settlements within this local community: Bankerova, Pruga 1, Pruga 2 and Jezero, with close to 500 residents of Romani nationality.
According to the available data, there are about 200 residents living in this settlement. Surveying was carried out with 123 inhabitants who make 34 households and who are currently present in the settlement, are not outside of the country and do not refuse declaring as Romani.
Six persons has full time jobs.
Pension rights was granted to six persons, six families live of collecting secondary raw materials, two families live of social welfare and six live of selling second hand goods.
There are 50 children in this community, of which 20 go to school.
Twenty-nine families live in their own houses and five live as subtenants.
According to our contact person, Saban Mujic, in addition to the problems faced by all Romani people, like unemployment and health protection, the largest problem in this settlement is in poor sewerage network, and inability of a large portion of the households to finalise the process for connecting their housing units to the power and water supply networks.
Romani Communities